"Vivitur Ingenio, Caetera Mortis Erunt" - "Genius Lives On, All Else Is Mortal"
Pascale Pollier-Richard Neave
The vesalius monument has been offered to the people of Zakynthos on the occasion of the Vesalius quincentenary organized by Vesalius Continuum in September 2014, under the auspices of the Embassy of Belgium in Athens and the Municipality of Zakynthos.
ArtistsThe Monument was sculpted by medical artist and sculptor Pascale Pollier and forensic medical artist and sculptor Richard Neave, Foundry De Clercq-Ginsberg poured the bronze; the mould was made by Guy Cuypers.
Sculptor of the coat of arms and the plinth, Chantal Pollier, and the sculptors of the commemorative plaque The Kindersley Workshop , Technical and logistic supportErecting the monument
William Nagels coordinater and production manager Konstandinos (Dinos) Ambelas , site manager, Nikolaios Voutsinas ( architect, placement adviser to the council) Nikos Barbianis ( support and adviser to the council) Theo Dirix coordinater and co-organiser Akis Ladikos local organiser Organisors of funding of the monument Mr and Mrs Willam Nagels, Annemie and Wim de Boodt, Marc en Wies de Roeck, Ann Van de Velde, Johan van Robays, Theo Dirix , Chantal Pollier, Pascale Pollier With the participation of BIOMAB - Biological and Medical Art Belgium With the participation of the MYC Medical Yachting Club vzw – Flanders Transport: Frank Nachtegael, - Provider lorry for transport of the monument from Belgium to Zakynthos James Gatehouse, driver Bryan Green, support driver Pascale Pollier, main organiser and coordinator SponsorsSponsors who bought a Vesalius facial reconstruction portrait
piece unique - Vesalius buste in ciment fondue Annemie de Boodt Vesalius buste in Bronze 1. St Georges University Granada via Bob Jordan 2. University of Antwerp Belgium 3. Vesaliana via Marc De Roeck 4. Francis Van Glabbeek 5. Johan Schurmans en Caroline Lesaffer 6. Frank Heyvaert 7. William Nagels 8. 9. Stephen Joffe ( 2 Vesalius portraits) 10. Washington University in St. Louis, via Paul Schoening 11. Vincent Catry 12. Andre Leonard share of the artist copy ; Pascale Pollier and Richard Neave Vesalius Buste in Wax was bought by The Stradins museum in Riga (Juris Salaks) The Gordon Museum london via William Edwards |
Conceptconcept and main organiser ; Pascale Pollier
The Andreas Vesalius monument features an anatomical figure, known as an ecorche, holding a skull. Inspired by 2 images from Vesalius's "De Humani Corporis Fabrica Libri Septem," a collaboration between Vesalius and medical artist Jan Von Kalcar. The monument embodies a blend of scientific, poetic, and philosophical concepts. Since 2010, our quest to locate Vesalius's grave on Zakynthos Island has remained ongoing. While we haven't found his remains yet, the monument symbolizes the search, reflecting on life, death, and our mortality. This artistic endeavor aims to honor Vesalius's pioneering work in human anatomy, sparking contemplation and discussion akin to his legacy as a humanist, teacher, and original thinker. This memorial monument, marking the 500th anniversary of Andreas Vesalius's legacy, was unveiled on Zakynthos in 2014, coinciding with the 500th anniversary of his birth. The funds generated from the sale of 12 limited-edition bronze portrait sculptures sculpted by Richard Neave and Pascale Pollier contributed to the financing of this monument.